Sunday, 6 February 2011

The girl behind Miss Curly Pearl.

I'm so excited about writing my own personal blog, I write one for the vintage boutique which I run with my friend Ella, it's called Two Little Birds after the two of us. However, since starting to blog I have really wanted to have my own, more personal blog, a place where I can ramble on and record my own random thoughts, likes and ideas. So, as i'm working on getting my blog just the way I like it, I have posted these pretty pictures - they illustrate just a few of the things I love dearly. 

The top two pictures of my dear, little kitty's, you may see a lot more of these two. The white one is Albert and the black one in Beryl, they are always play fighting and guaranteed to make me giggle almost every day. The teacups represent my love of two things, a nice cuppa and vintage chintz! I love collecting tat and rummaging through a carboot or charity shop, for me this is simply the best retail therapy. The last is a picture of El and I, in the shop, i'm the blondie with the 50's dress on. I really love this picture, it basically is all about the vintage clothing!

Miss Curly Pearl came about from my constant crafting (another love) and represents me and all the pretty things that I collect or put together. I have a particular like of pin up style hair flowers and cute hair accessories, I am also going to be learning to knit and am desperate to knit a WW2 hair snood. 

Well I feel great, first blog done and dusted - can't wait to get my teeth stuck in! Love Emma. x

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